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Rose Arcana


Whether or not you pay any attention to the lighting overhead, the lighting may be paying such close attention to you.

Don’t place any Amazon tech products In your home, they are operating as surveillance devices and communicating to each other via 5G technology.

The 21st century’s “black gold” is data. This microwave radiation-emitting spider web will allow Big Data/Big Telecom and Big Brother to capture what happens inside and outside every person at every moment of life.

5G has almost nothing to do with improving your lives; it’s all about controlling your life, marketing products, and harvesting your data for Artificial Intelligence purposes.

"I've been in politics for over 40 years, but I've never encountered anything like this. 10 days of bombing of Gaza, thousands of civilians killed, no water, no electricity.

This is collective punishment of innocent people. Everything is illegal, these are war crimes.

Then Ursula von der Leyen comes to Israel, photographs the genocide and declares that Europe now supports Israel and everything that will happen.

How can she? She has no authority and does not speak for me. She does not speak for Ireland and she does not speak for the peoples of Europe.

We stand for peace and justice for the people of Palestine and for international law.

She must go and the International Criminal Court must investigate [Ursula von der Leyen]."

40 years in politics 🤡 but what about the vaccine?

Joshua Goode, a real witness. He had a front row seat. The plane would move from left to right. It could not be missed.

There were no planes to see in the sky. The only planes anyone saw were Computer Graphic Images inserted into recorded video and only seen on TV. There were no still photos.

There were no planes to see in the sky. The only planes anyone saw were Computer Graphic Images inserted into recorded video and only seen on TV. There were no still photos.

Note the Upper Rainbow is inverted - This is because it is a reflection off the Firmament.
Double Rainbows (Showing Inversion) are PROOF of the Firmament.
If not the Rainbows would be indentical and NOT inverted.

Susan watched from her car. There were no planes to see in the sky. The only planes anyone saw were Computer Graphic Images inserted into recorded video and only seen on TV. There were no still photos.

Real witnesses saw the buildings explode and did not see a plane

There were no planes to see in the sky. The only planes anyone saw were Computer Graphic Images inserted into recorded video and only seen on TV. There were no still photos.

Just a coincidence obviously.
It's not like they were planting Thermite or anything sinister for the Controlled Demolition a month later.

'Seven' is a documentary about the extraordinary conclusions of the University of Alaska Fairbanks study on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 and the epic failure of our institutions to tell the truth.

Reporter: We have Canadian law here and you say that you want Sharia law to displace Canadian law?

Muslim man: When we are in majority you wouldn’t have any other options. All our allegiance and our loyalty first and foremost is to our religion

⚠️The video with the title "Iron Dome Laser Defense System" currently going viral is fake, and this video belongs to the Arma 3 video game.

Montgomery School Board temporarily suspends its $33,000 contract with HiTOPS, a youth-focused LGBTQ+ and sexual education nonprofit, after Project Veritas exposed the organization’s covert tactics to introduce sexually-oriented curriculum into schools through backdoor channels without parental consent.


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

4252 videos

Category Education


They have blocked my Arcane Pathways and this channel due to posting the Truth.

Link here:

My new channel is:


So will continue on thie channel.